News ID: 1579
Publish Date : 07 January 2018 - 10:30

This Keyed Lamborghini Huracan Avio Is Hard To Look At

This is why we can’t have nice things.
Khodrocar - Owning and driving a supercar comes with some additional responsibilities separate from the expensive oil changes and general maintenance. Drive a supercar through a neighborhood of car-obsessed, internet-connected millennials, and there will be a swarm of smartphones eagerly recording video and snapping photos for instant upload to the internet. This could cause a bit of a traffic snarl, but more often than not intentions are relatively benign. However, there are others out there who have no problem ruining someone else’s very expensive property, which is what appears to have happened to this poor Lamborghini Huracan Avio.

Photos from Ward Lemmens’ Instagram show the heavily keyed Lamborghini just sitting parked on the street. The extent of the damage is almost unbelievable. Whoever keyed this car had some serious time on their hands. Three sides of the Lamborghini are damaged, with deep gashes clearly visible. To say this is painful to look at is a bit of an understatement.

At its core, the Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 Avio is an appearance package. However, production was limited to just 250 examples, making this supercar a tad more special than a run-of-the-mill Huracan. The special-edition Avio is tied to aeronautics, specifically to Italy’s Aeronautica Militare and its Eurofighter Tycoon jets.

Yes, seeing a supercar on the road is a rare occurrence. They’re mechanical works of art while also being someone’s property. However, that doesn’t give one the right to damage that property. No owner of any vehicle, supercar or not, should be afraid to park on the street or leave it unattended with a group of gawking bystanders. Just be grateful the owner is driving the Lamborghini at all. Too often supercars are kept in climate-controlled garages in preparation for the auction block half a century down the road.

Getting angry at someone for owning a supercar and damaging it does nothing.

Source: Motor1